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Profile status and visible profile information

The visible profile information depends on the profile type, profile status, and the authority that the user has over the profile. Profiles can have one of the following three statuses at a given time:

Draft Status: If a new profile has been drafted but not submitted, only users within your organization can view the draft profile and all of its current contents. If you are a user who does not belong to an organization (i.e. individual user), only you can view the draft profile.

If you discard a draft, it cannot be recalled. A draft expires 90 days after its initial creation date. To view a draft profile, click on the SEDAR+ logo to go to your Dashboard and select the ‘Drafts’ tab.

Private Status: A profile with a status of private is only visible to users who have authority over the profile, as well as regulators.

Note: If a profile is private and one public document is submitted against it, the system will automatically turn the profile public, allowing both the profile and the document to be viewed by the public.

Public Status
: A profile with a status of public contains information that is divided into public and private sections. Public sections of the profile are visible to public and registered SEDAR+ users and private sections are visible only to users that have authority over the profile. For company, third party filer (organization), investment fund, or investment fund group profiles, the following information is private, where applicable:

  • Other address
  • User information associated with creation and modification of the profile
  • Contact details relating to a submission
  • Basis for principal jurisdiction for reporting issuers
  • Closing date of qualifying transaction for reporting issuer
  • Jurisdiction where funds in a group are reporting issuers
  • Class or series offered via prospectus or exempt market for investment fund group
  • Associated entity information beyond names of trustee, portfolio manager, promoter, etc.

For an individual third party filer profile, the following information is private:

  • Addresses
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Email address
  • User information associated with creation and modification of profile
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