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Create an investment fund group or investment fund profile

In contrast to company and third party filer profiles, you will only have the option to create an investment fund and an investment fund group profile if you have authority over the investment fund manager’s profile. This is because an investment fund and an investment fund group must always be associated with an investment fund manager.

Note: An investment fund manager profile is either a company or third party filer organization profile that has the field ‘This company is an investment fund manager’ or ‘This organization is an investment fund manager’ selected as ‘Yes’. 

A user can create an investment fund group first then reference this group when creating the corresponding investment funds. All underlying investment funds inherit the investment fund manager attributes from the group. Alternatively, the investment fund(s) can be created without referencing a group. The fund(s) can be added to a group subsequently through the process maintaining the fund(s). For more information, read Add, remove or maintain funds in an investment fund group. The fund(s) would then inherit the investment fund manager attributes of the group.

Each section, part, class or series of a class of securities of an investment fund that refers to a separate portfolio of assets is generally required to be treated as a separate investment fund and, therefore, a separate issuer. Therefore, a separate investment fund profile is generally required for each such section, part, class or series.

The name used on the investment fund profile must be the full legal name of the issuer. The previous name of the issuer should not be added to the full legal investment fund name field (e.g., Fund XYZ (formerly, Fund ABC)) as this information displays in the ‘Previous Issuer’ field if applicable.

Prior to creating an investment fund or investment fund group profile, you are prompted to search for an existing profile. This search reduces the risk of creating duplicate profiles within SEDAR+. If, during your search, you identify a profile that exists and you wish to claim authority over it, you must contact the existing investment fund manager to initiate a transfer of the investment fund or investment fund group. For more information, read Transfer of investment funds or investment fund groups between investment fund managers.

You must provide the information required to complete the profile (e.g. general profile details, contact details, reporting issuer details, securities information, etc.). These fields prepopulate from the investment fund manager information. Review the entered information and submit the profile.