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Search Transactions (Payments and Refunds)
You cannot search transactions (i.e. payment and refund) directly from the main search function. To search transactions, click on the ‘Menu’ button, followed by ‘Payments’ and then ‘Search transaction’. These menu items will only be available if you have the required authority. You can also access the Search transactions page from the ‘View Pre-Authorized Debit Account Details’ page, but the search results will be pre-filtered to show results for the respective PAD account only. For more information, click on the following link to the View Fees, Payments and Refunds page which has a section View Account (i.e. PAD) Transactions.
The Search transactions function allows you to search for either account or basket transactions. Account transactions are the payments associated with a Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) account only, whereas basket transactions include all refunds received and payments made, including PAD, Credit Card and payments made outside the system that were subsequently recorded in the system. A payment from a PAD account will have both an account transaction and a basket transaction record associated with it.