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Search basket and account transactions
You can search for both basket transactions and account transaction information using the Search transactions function.
The Search transactions function allows you to search for either account or basket transactions. Account transactions are the payments associated with a PAD account only, whereas basket transactions include all refunds received and payments made, including PAD, Credit Card and payments made outside the system that were subsequently recorded in the system. A payment from a PAD account will have both an account transaction and a basket transaction record associated with it.
Select ‘Menu’, ‘Payments’, ‘Search transaction’ to access the search feature. As noted above, a payment from a PAD account will have both an account transaction and a basket transaction record. To help tailor your search, select ‘basket transactions’ on the ‘Include’ field which will return filings paid with either payment type (PAD and Credit Card) and refunds. Additional search selections can be made to further refine your search (e.g. ‘Date’, ‘Transaction status’). View the details of a transaction by clicking on the transaction reference link on a search result. The search results page can be printed to PDF and exported to a csv (comma separated values) file for your reference.